pizzicato five

reroute. - 12.02.05
for the belgian. - 11.19.05
here's to hope - 11.16.05
don't bust my balls. - 08.21.05
rambling off. - 08.18.05

<< 03.04.02 >>

12:49 p.m. - it always ends up drivel.

song: paint it black.

It was colder than a bia' outside so all the dregs decided to huddle their masses in the library. My usual desk was occupied so I had to sit at a station where apparently Ryan or Josh or Somebody Was Here --> 1/30/02. AGCI, AGCI, AGCI read the refrence books diametrically across from me. I wonder what those letters stand for. I got some work and some things not work done, but not much. The fools would not stop their chattering.

On the way to my car, I saw some people in the horizon that I had not seen for years. When they passed, they did not recognize me. I kept walking. Cham's boyfriend?/just friend? Lee called me from behind. We talked about Weezer and how some people were dropped when attempting to crowd surf.

We are a disposable society. We use things a few times, get tired of them, and throw them away. We are also a sentimental people. When I first discovered this I thought, "What an odd pairing. We banish things to history only to lament their passing."

Guy: You're real screwed up, you know.
Girl: Ditto.