pizzicato five

reroute. - 12.02.05
for the belgian. - 11.19.05
here's to hope - 11.16.05
don't bust my balls. - 08.21.05
rambling off. - 08.18.05

<< 03.29.02 >>

1:19 p.m. - simple harmonic motion.

That's how things move. Wavelengths and periods. Frequency.

overheard conversations and words never spoken.

1. Boy vs. Girl
"I don't like it when you hear me and say, 'What?'


(fuming) "It turns everything around. I'm asking you the questions. You respond to me. I'm the one in conrtol of this conversation. Don't you try to switch it around."

2. Angry son
"'Jeez hun, I don't know where the boy get's it.' Like it's some big fucking mystery. Better call Columbo up to figure out this one, pop. (in disgust) Don't give me that wounded deer look. I speak up just like you taught me and you make me feel guilty for it. That's sick, that's fucking sick. It's almost God sick. Like giving you wings only to break your back. No, not this time. All I ever hear from you is can't. Can't do this. Incapable of doing that. I used to think... Yes! Can! I'll prove you wrong. Most times I won; very few times I lost. But the wins weren't good enough for you. All you saw were the the failures. Not--good--enough. And it broke my heart. It broke my fucking heart. Now it's invaded my brain. Can't. Can't. Can't. I hear it before you even get a chance to say it. Once in a while, I break out if it. It's like I'm reborn. It goes from can't to can to shall. It's fire, pure fire. But you give me that look. Just that one look. And I'm bleeding.