pizzicato five

reroute. - 12.02.05
for the belgian. - 11.19.05
here's to hope - 11.16.05
don't bust my balls. - 08.21.05
rambling off. - 08.18.05

<< 03.31.02 >>

morning. - nothing of importance.

Boxer shorts rule and you know it.

night. - sore eyes.

"Man, I'm sooo full." Five minutes later... "This pie tastes funny."

So today is Easter. I think the story is that Jesus died, came back to life to say wazzup, and ascended to heaven. And there were alot of bunnies around where he was crucified and their feet symbolize that sometimes you're lucky in life and born the son of God. And the chocolate eggs represent rebirth and the color of the chocolate is the color of the cross that Jesus had to carry... Well you explain it then. Please don't get me started on my disdain for organized religion. How can anybody presume to know God? Just pass the mashed potatoes man.

I take my shirt off different now. I used to pull from my stomach up, so that it ends up inside out. Or I made like an amputee and pushed the shirt off from the inside. Now I reach over my back and pull it off from the top. Why the hell am I ranting about this? Cold showers at midnight. That's a good thing.

Somebody please get Fiona's voice out of my head.