pizzicato five

reroute. - 12.02.05
for the belgian. - 11.19.05
here's to hope - 11.16.05
don't bust my balls. - 08.21.05
rambling off. - 08.18.05

<< 02.16.02 >>

xx - phlegmatic.

It's kinda late and I don't feel like writing anything. I promise I'll amend something to this entry by Sunday night. I'm really mellow right now.

I did some real manual labor shit today. My pop is redoing the lanai and I helped him tear up the disintegrating river rock floor. Some parts are easy to scrape off but others I had to use a hammer and chisel. It was like I was an old school federal penitentiary. By the end of the day I was hurting. My pops rewarded my hard work with a dinner at Cracker Barrel. I had a big ass bacon cheeseburger that I'll be done digesting by next Thursday.

That Australian speed skater is the luckiest man on earth. He was rewarded with a gold medal for being the slowest motherfucker out there. It was like watching an episode of the Weakest Link. At least Apolo Ohno has a couple more shots at getting gold. It was kinda funny watching them scramble to the finish line while the other dude just cruised on through.

I watched Ghost World real late and enjoyed it immensely. At first, I made a conscious effort to analyze it for plot points and crap, but I just got lost in the story and eccentric characters. Steve Buscemi is the coolest guy ever. I read the comic and I was pleased with Clowes' adaptation.

As per usual, I felt real good and calm after seeing such an outstanding movie. I didn't have do my OCD thing and block the vcr and clock radio light before I slept. I just plopped down and went to bed in my jeans.